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Severe Weather Procedures

We endeavour to keep school open throughout the year and would only close as a last resort. If however we feel that there is a risk to the health and safety of pupils and / or staff we may need to close the school and/or Owltown Club.

Depending on the circumstances, we may need to close the school for the whole day or we may determine through our risk assessment that it may be appropriate to open school later in the morning or to close earlier in the day to give staff and families more time to travel safely.


We may need to close school / Owltown Club under the following circumstances:

  • Roads and/or public transport are affected meaning it is not possible or safe for staff, pupils and their families to travel;
  • if due to severe weather we cannot maintain sufficient staffing levels (minimum staff to child ratio including ensuring that we have staff with the appropriate training and qualifications on site e.g. First Aid and Child Protection);
  • it is not possible to clear the paths, playground and car park due to the volume of snow / ice;
  • The site is unsafe and there is a high risk of people slipping;
  • Essential deliveries are not possible due to the weather.


How we will notify parents / carers of a school closure

 In the event of us needing to close the school or make a change to our opening times, we will contact parents in the following ways:

Please avoid contacting the school office to enquire about school closures.