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At Lowtown, our aim is to develop enthusiastic, inquisitive learners who are excited by science and ask questions to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. We provide a wealth of hands-on, practical experiences to enable children to enquire, investigate and evaluate their findings both in the classroom and in the outdoor environment. With the development of our woodland provision, we are integrating outdoor lessons into our curriculum to further stimulate children’s curiosity and to help children understand and respect nature, the environment and the interdependence of humans, animals, plants and life cycles. We live in an incredibly fast-paced world where there is a huge array of innovation and technological breakthroughs. Therefore, it is vital that students leave Lowtown well-equipped with key knowledge and understanding of skills to empower them for life in the 21st century.


 Science is taught weekly through discrete science lessons in Key Stage One and Two and as part of cross-curricular themes, when appropriate. Teachers plan engaging and challenging lessons from our progression documents which highlight prior learning and later learning as well as any working scientifically opportunities. Teachers deliver investigative enquiry-based lessons where children learn through doing to promote a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. Science lessons provide opportunities for children to work scientifically, both in groups and independently, through pattern spotting, grouping and classifying, planning and performing comparative tests, observing over time and using secondary research to build on prior knowledge. We are keen for children to understand when they have practised these enquiry-based skills and in KS2 this is evidenced in children’s books with a coloured circle next to the key learning question, to match the posters displayed on working walls throughout school. In KS1 these enquiry skills are verbally referred to in each lesson with a large focus in Science week. Children will begin to annotate their work with a circle towards the end of KS1.

Parts of the science curriculum are delivered through outdoor learning. In addition, our children experience extra lessons in the woodland with our specialist teaching assistant who links this fantastic resource to the area of the curriculum the children are studying in class, further developing children’s knowledge.

We offer a range of co-curricular experiences designed to deepen student’s knowledge and understanding of science, such as Space Camp and Science Week. Here, our aim is to further stimulate children’s curiosity and students are encouraged to experiment to find their own answers to enquiries. Children also learn about key scientists, both past and present, to understand the significance of previous discoveries and to inspire future discoveries.

Through links with our local high school and the University of Leeds, our science provision is enriched as children have opportunities to experience hands-on science lessons from experts in their field to prepare and excite them for the transition to secondary education and beyond.


At the start of each topic, teachers plan a pre-unit activity such as a mind-map or vocabulary grid to assess knowledge and skills. Knowledge organisers are also displayed in children’s books at the start of each topic and children highlight the ‘sticky knowledge’ they have accumulated throughout the unit at the end of each session. Children then show their learning from the unit in a post task assessment. Children’s work in science is assessed through teacher judgements as we observe children working scientifically, asking questions and through marking their written work. Teacher judgements for each child are then recorded on a science tracker to enable teachers to make accurate judgements at the end of each key stage.

Science Long Term Plan

Progression in Science

 Progression of Scientific Knowledge

 Progression of Scientific Enquiry Skills