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Physical Education

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At Pudsey Lowtown Primary School we believe that physical Education (PE) contributes to the health and well-being of all our children. PE is taught in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment which has a positive effect on concentration, attitude and academic achievement. A varied PE curriculum is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. Additionally, we want all our children to develop a lifelong love of being active and keeping healthy.

We intend to deliver high quality teaching and learning to give children the opportunity to succeed in physical education and attain crucial life skills. We intend to teach children to work as part of a team in collaboration with each other and to work cooperatively in a fair and honest manner. We also want to teach children essential safety skills such as learning to swim. Our varied curriculum aims to improve the well-being and fitness of all children not only through the physical aspect but also through the values and discipline that PE promotes.

Lewis Akeister P.E Unit 3


PE at Pudsey Lowtown Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; gymnastics, dance, invasion games, net and wall games, strike and field games, swimming and outdoor adventurous.  The long term plan sets out the PE units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures the national curriculum objectives are met. Pupils participate in 2 hours of PE each week which takes place over one afternoon. We made the decision that children come to school in their PE kit on PE day. This has saved on changing time, therefore ensures children participate in 2 full hours of PE each week. Most sessions are split into 2 session lasting 1 hour each and will consist of 2 separate sporting disciplines. Children in year 4 attend swimming lessons throughout the year at the local leisure centre. This session incorporates a 30 minute walk to and from the venue. Additionally to this, year 4 will participate in a 30 minute fitness session prior to their swimming session. This will ensure their 2 hours of PE is still met

In addition to the PE sessions children are invite to attend a varied range of extra-curricular activities which take place after school and at lunchtime.

Children are invited to participate in competitive sporting events in the local area. These events have an inclusive approach and encourage children of all abilities to experience an element of competition against other schools in the area. All events are thoroughly enjoyed by children and develop teamwork and leadership skills as well as promoting physical development and mental well-being.

Each year a number of children in year 5 and 6 are invited to take on the role as school sports leaders. The role entails the children becoming excellent sporting role models to the rest of the school, running ‘active lunchtimes’ and attending regular meetings with the PE Leader. These meetings give the sports leaders the opportunity to discuss and share ideas of how active lunchtimes are working and if there are any suggestions they would make to improve this provision.

Each class participates in activity breaks throughout the day to help meet the government target of children being physically active for at least 60 minutes a day. This is monitored with help from the sports leaders who collate the amount of extra minutes each class has been active for each week.


At the start of each unit prior knowledge is discussed and activities such as ‘show me what you know’ will take place so that teachers can assess children’s ability. Ongoing assessment will happen in each session and the working wall in the hall will be used to discuss skills that have been taught in the units taking place.

The number of children who have attended competitive events and participated in extra-curricular activities will be recorded on a tracker. This system is in place to ensure as many children as possible have the opportunity to participate in these activities.  

We help children to feel motivated to participate in a range of sports through challenging, engaging and fun quality teaching. Children take responsibility of ensuing they are physically active, fit and healthy. As well as this, many children succeed in competitive sports which are celebrated in school assemblies and on the weekly school newsletter. We instil a love for sport within children and equip them with the necessary skills to participate in physical activity beyond primary school. Pupils from Pudsey Lowtown Primary School will hopefully grow up to lead happy, heathy and physically active lives using the essential knowledge and skills they have acquired through PE.

PE Long Term Plan

  Long Term Plan 2022

PE skill progression by activity

 PE Skills progression by activity