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Owltown Club

We offer fantastic wrap-around care provision for Lowtown pupils at the Owltown Club.

Our breakfast and after school club is based within the outside classroom (portakabin) on the key stage 2 playground. The club is run to OfSTED standards by qualified and experienced staff who are directly employed by the school and  is open to all children who attend Lowtown (subject to the availability).

The setting at Owltown Club is a homely environment which is child-led, while at the club the children have the opportunity to take part in a huge variety of different activities both inside and outside. These include den building, football, clay modelling, baking, cooking, painting, pumpkin carving, scavenger hunts, scooting and much more.

The club is open Monday to Friday during term time only.

Breakfast club runs from 7.30am to 8.45am  at a cost of £6 per day
(breakfast provided)

After school club is open from 3.15pm to 6pm at a cost of £11 per day
(healthy snack provided)

 The school club is very popular and places are limited, if a place is not available for the session that you have requested then your child will be added to our waiting list. 

Owltown team

Hannah Whiteley

Tracey Lofthouse
(Deputy Manager)

Sara Roundhill
(Deputy Manager)
Ruth Amakoh
(Play Worker)

Niki Eden
(Play Worker)

Amanda Davison
(Play Worker)

Claire Milner
(Play Worker)

Key information

 Owltown Club Terms and Conditions 2024-25
 Owltown Club Methods of Payment
 Owltown Club Place Request 
 Owltown Club (Before and After School Club) Policy 2024-25

Contacting the Owltown Club


For further information about the school club please either speak to Hannah (School Club Manager) or a member of the office team.
School office | 0113 2567303
(8.30am - 4pm)
Owltown Club | 0756  675 9704
(7.30am - 9am / 3pm - 6pm)
Email | owltownclub@pudseylowtown.org.uk
(none urgent enquiries)