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Welcome to Pudsey Lowtown Primary School

Dear Parents and prospective parents

I am very pleased to welcome you to our school website; I hope that you enjoy looking around the site and it helps you to get a feel for our fabulous school. 

Mrs C. Armitage, Headteacher

Read more  

  • You know your school very well. Parents clearly appreciate your open approach and commented positively on your 'ever-open door'. - Ofsted
  • Pupils spoken to commented on how school enables them to take responsibility both inside and outside the classroom - Ofsted
  • I think the school is fantastic, inclusive and the teaching staff are nothing short of amazing.- Parent


Printed copies available:

Printed copies of all information and documents on our website are available free of charge on request.

If you require any printed information please contact the school office either by phoning 0113 2567303 or emailing admin@pudseylowtown.org.uk